Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Random Facts & All that Red Veins

Two Names You Go By:
1~ Lyle (Because that's my name)
2~ Dan (Because that's also my name. And not because I have multiple-personality disorder.)

2. Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1~ Boredom is tightly wrapped around my body right now. It's so suffocating.
2~ And a pair of Insomia hoops dangling from my eyes. It's fash-nable!

Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
1~ Prozac
2~ Valium

Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
1~ Fighting villains. (It's tough when you're all alone.)
2~ Saving the day. (It's tough when the "day" doesn't want to be saved.)

Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1~ Sleep. (And lots of it, please. With whip cream, and some choco-chip cookies.)
2~ A medical certificate (So that I can do #1.)

Two things you did last night:
1~ "Work it! I need a glass-o-wotah!" I worked. And worked. Oh, and did I mention that I did work last night. Really? Yeah, I did.
2~ I tried to stay awake. And stress on the word "tried". I think I dozed off for like 2 seconds straight! Imagine that! 2 freakin' seconds straight! My gawd, that's like an achievement, I closed my eyes for 2 seconds STRAIGHT!

Two things you ate today:
1~ Pride
2~ Prejudice (And all that jazz!)

Two people you Last Talked To:
1~ Amanda and Phoebe and Christopher
2~ So what if I spoke with 3 people!? Big deal!

Two Things You'll do tomorrow:
1~ Work (As if I have a choice.)
2~ Still thinking. Hmp. I'm actually contemplating on going awol.

Two favorite beverages:
1~ That ice cold Coco Amigos mug draft!
2~ That bottomless Cafe Memento barako!

Two of your least favorite things to do:
1~ Waking up and realizing your late for work.
2~ Waking up and realizing that people had moved on already.

You must answer every question
~~ I MUST? I refuse to answer this question. Because? Because! Its! Not! Even! A! Question!

[02] Have you ever received roses?
~~ Are you kidding me!? I invented roses!

[03] What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
~~ Alright! I admit! I have a lot! "Nothing beats the first kiss.." But on second thought, Nah.

[04] How many times have you honestly been in love
~~ Uhm. Lemme see.. One.. Two.. Three.. Wait! You know what, if I answer this question, I'd die of diabetes! Ooh so mushy! I'm freakin' myself out! Seriously, THAT four-letter word is such a strong one, I couldn't even utter it.

[05] Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
~~ Yes, but only a handful end up together. Painful, yes, but what is life without pain!? Okay, so I AM mushy. Or just bitter.

[06] Do you think that you should put your friends first?
~~ Before? Before "anyone else"? If you're talking about friends and family, let's just say I'd die for my friends, but I would kill for my family. And the other way around. But if you mean, "someone", I don't know, I haven't met her yet. Or perhaps I already did. I'm clueless.

[07] Have you ever had your heart broken?
~~ If there's anyone who haven't had their poor hearts broken, either they're lying or they're not human. H-U-M-A-N, please look it up in the dictionary.

[8] Your thoughts on online relationships?
~~ J-O-K-E, another word for you. Now GO! Scram! But on second thought, I know a couple who met online and after months of being online bf/gf, they got married, and after months of marriage, they realized that they'd rather be chatmates. So they called it quits. Funny, huh?

[9] Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend?
~~ What's the big idea asking me all these kinds of questions!? Ahm. Hmp. Let's just say I've been through the whole "I Never! Said! That I love you" thing.

[10] Do you believe the statement, "Once a cheater always a cheater."?
~~ I disagree. Not because I'm a guy and we're SUPPOSED to be A-Holes. But no. Really. We all have the capability to cheat, and sometimes we cheat for the right reasons (right reasons daw o!). Not that I'm a cheater. Well I was once, but it wasn't because I'm an A-hole and all that, but because I haven't found my match yet. Before you stone me to death, that's just half of the story. Let's put it this way: Infidelity begets infidelity. It's the 21st (?) century, kung kaya ng Pinoy, kaya din ng Pinay, ika nga.

[11] How many kids do you want to have?
~~ 3's enough. I think.

[12] What is your favorite color(s)
~~ As of the moment? Red! It complements my sleep-deprived eyes! Bloodshot! Ooh, and all that red veins!

[13] What are your views on gay marriages?
~~ To each his own. Love (that word again!) knows no bounds. It's just about tolerance.

[14] Do you believe you truly only love once?
~~ CoRRRRRRRecto! Sa Senado! Everything else is just playtime, or you know companionship, admiration, and all that crap!

[15] Imagine you're 79 & your spouse just died, would you re-marry?
~~ Well, if I'd be rich, handsome, lonely? Why not choknat! Kidding! By that time, Viagras woul be passe. So, I dunno. Maybe I'd just live with my dog, in a trailer, overlooking the ocean, sipping beer, waiting for twilight to claim me back..

[16] At what age did you start noticing the opposite sex?
~~ When THEY noticed me..

[17] What song do you want to hear at your wedding?
~~ Welcome to the Black Parade. Or Ang Cute ng Ina Mo.

[18] Do you Know someone who likes you?
~~ Oh, they're all after my body. It's soo sad.

(Thanks to my Yani for posing for me. Kuya misses you already.)

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