Thursday, September 28, 2006

Monsieur Antoine of Doltz

Stunning, gorgeous, this dashing man leaves everyone totally breathless as he glides through hallways. Uh. Hold on! Was I supposed to make an entry for Anthony Lood? I though I was writing my autobiography. Oh well.

Ton's my roommate and my cousin (nephew actually). Had I known that he’s nice, we would’ve been friends ages ago. We used to dislike, no, loathe each other. Really! Like, wave been dorm mates for a year and he gets into my nerves, every time! Vain-ceited! But he proved me otherwise, not until we became roommates.

This guys so concerned with his looks, spends so much on his hair, and wastes so much time in front of the mirror. Vain, vain, vain! (Now look who’s talking!) He’s very much aware of the latest trends in everything. Ironic, however, coz know what, after like 2 hours of fixing himself, he would just turn to me with those paawa-puppy-eyed look and ask, Lyle Am I ugly?

Arrgh! Why can’t physically-gifted people be contented with what they have?! Damn it! Despite the myriad testimonies of his being easy-on-the-eyes, he still regards himself as unsightly. Ton, you’re not ugly okay! It’s just that, I’m more gwapo. I know it’s hard, but that’s life.

This guy has so much life in him that he can actually wear someone out. To say that he’s a good friend is an understatement. Kind of at home coz of the atmosphere he makes for the people around him.

We compliment each other; a typical Lyle-Ton tandem would include tons and tons of barbaric criticisms, not towards other people but towards each other. That’s right! We love making fun of each other. And I think that’s what makes our friendship special.

He may not seem like a very serious person but I have learned a number of things from this guy. One helluva friend. Thanks for everything man!

Author's Note: I wrote this entry more than a year ago. March 3, 2005 to be exact, and was intended as a Friendster testimonial.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Mister Pan De Monium

And you are a big-time pain in the (posterior)! Kevin! Oh yeah, he doesn’t want to be called Kevin, he insists it’s Adrian. Kevin, Adrian, it doesn’t matter. You’re still KIBINTOY to us! or KIBOL! Bwahaha!

  1. So you think you know Kevin (or Adrian for that matter) huh!? This is just my partial list of juicy info about Kev.

  2. When kev’s around, expect pandemonium, chaos, mayhem, BLOOD!

  3. He’s not a trouble-maker. He just gets himself into trouble. Constantly.

  4. Behind that toughie-toughie exterior sits the softer side of kev.

  5. He’s a member of the XMEN. He has the power to drive people nuts! Without even trying.

  6. He loves Science so much that when he joined this Quiz Bee back in grade school, he studied Science so enthusiastically the day before the competition. And then he lost. Why? Because it was a History Quiz Bee, for crying out loud!

  7. He tosses English words with such panache, excellent command of the words.

  8. If you’re not comfortable with English, dare not speak in front of Kevin.

  9. But if you really want to speak with him, you have to have a dictionary in tow. Or just get out of the way.

  10. He has so much energy in him that he can actually wear someone out!

  11. He puts the “A” in Annoying. The personification of the word. But we love him just the same. Just tone in down Kev, you don’t want bloodshed, do you?

  12. He has a quick wit, eloquent, and well-versed on different subjects.

  13. He can sometimes be known as Mr. Know-It-All. Oh yeah, not sometimes, most of the time!

  14. He loves to debate especially with me. But sorry Kev, long way to go before you can triumph over me! ;)

  15. How to shut Kevin’s chops? Only we, cousins, know the craft on how to put an end to his blabbing. It’s an art that you have to master.

  16. He can be mature at times. But every so often, he acts as if he’s more immature than his younger bros.

  17. Kevin + Kuya Lyle = Tons of barbaric criticisms towards each other. You can actually see the sparks fly.

  18. Og ang isa sa pinka-importante sa tanan: kelangan paspas kag “pick-up.” Ngano? Ginawong-nawong nakag insulto ni Kevin, wa japun ka ka-gets na giinsulto naka! Stealth Bomber!

People might judge him for being this and that, but what the heck! We know better than you people. Just ignore them Kev. Like the tip of the iceberg, there’s more to Kevin than meets the eye.

BUT when WE (your family) start talking, keep an open mind and open ears. Whatever we say, do not equate it as a personal attack, but take it as a challenge. When we say harsh words (it can’t be avoided), that’s because we care. Don’t misinterpret it okay. Listen. Because most of the time, you get the wrong end of the stick, and conclude that “gitabangan kag away sa tanan.” We want you to be better because we see and we know that you can!

Its either you love him or you hate him. Nothing in the middle. Kevin will be Kevin, and we love every bit of his Kevin-ness. Be it the Annoying Kevin, the Devil Incarnate Kevin, the “Suwa-il” Kevin, we love him to pieces. One word though buddy, GROW!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Le Meilleur Frère: An Ode to Him

God’s gift to us, you are truly a blessing.
Tremendously ecstatic, when in our lives you came;
Even though we’re always fighting and brawling,
Nevertheless we love you just the same.

You are the ultimate referee and conciliator.
Holding us down, you sound like our mother,
When me and Ate are at each other’s necks.
Oh Boy! You deserve a dozen respects!

You have proven yourself to all of us,
To Pappy, Mama, to me and to big sister,
You’ve grown into a fine man, mature & virtuous.
One thing though buddy, do better this semester.

As we seat here at Seattle’s Best, chilling,
I wish to tell you this one thing:
I love you to pieces baby brother…
Though your feet stink like no other!

How’s your trip?
How’s Dipolog Song?
What’s new? What’s the latest?
And where’s my pasalubong!?

Something to eat?
No, just an Espresso,
Oh make it a double,
Alright, and something to gobble

Whoa! A French Grammar guide!
Thank you but is this from Dipolog?
Oh hold on! Wait a second!
Just a question, you have to respond.

About the French book you gave me,
Was that a bribe to persuade me?
Carry your luggage!? Are you kidding me!?
Wait here while I fetch you a taxi!

It’s 3:30 in the afternoon, my brother just arrived from Dipolog. We went to Seattle’s Best, and while he’s taking a call at the other end of the table, I marched towards the counter and asked for a piece of paper. “Sir, the tissue’s over there,” he replied with that practiced smile and pointed to sugar-n-whatever counter. “PAPER not TISSUE!” I snarled.

Thus producing, yet again, another trash-of-a-poetry!

* * *

Somnolent, at the moment. Had a very long day. I just want to get this over and done with. I’m sleepy and I want to rest. By the way the events taken in the above paragraphs or poetry or whatever you call that, transpired two or three days ago (I can’t exactly remember.) I just forgot to post the draft. Later guys!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Unwelcome Welcome

Oh yeah, I forgot to welcome you people! Welcome! (Ugh!)

This is my coffeeteria, "Cafe Predatoria" B
log, and I am your un-friendly neighborhood barista,
Lyle (a.k.a. The Melancholic Mutt).

Please feel free to leave your droppings, however
unsolicited they may be, and flush yourself down the toilet afterwards. You can either love or hate this
blog, it's perfectly okay. But be sure to hate yourself first, because you can never give what you don't have. *wink*

Okay, you can hurl yourself off a cliff now. Buh-bye.

Friday, September 15, 2006

A Rubbish Prologue

Lookie here!

Ooh, my first post in my 5th blog. Yeah people, this is my (wait.. one.. two.. three.. four..) 5th blog account, and all 5 of em are still up and running. 1 Friendster Blog, 1, 1 Xanga, and a Blogdrive. The last 2 are, let's just say, confidential accounts. You can only access them if you're extremely lucky. Some people (friends who know moi), have already gained access, but they dont have an iota of idea who they're speaking with. Tee hee. Besides, I have a lot of writing styles, hence the impossibility of tracking it down.

For everybody's benefit, my name is Lyle and this is my winsome smile. :D I have multiple personalities (thus explains the rationale behind my keeping of 5 accounts), I am a freak, and oh yeah, I torture people to while the time away.

I consider Love a fallacy, nothing more than a myth, and I only live for today. I used to regard myself a Romantic (read: idealistic), but society opened my eyes to what is really "The Reality," and became aware than the world is teeming with sharks and piranhas. As the cliche goes, if you can't beat em join em. No, I'm not a vile person, in fact, I consider myself ... err... good! I have acknowledged the fact that waters are treacherous and the waves fatal. The only way to go is to swim against the current. Otherwise, you will be swept unto dry land defeated, bloody, broken, even lifeless. Right? Wrong!

I know I am not making any sense but what the heck! It's not my obligation to please you people. You disagree? I don't give a rat's ass. Really. I am my own, and I climb my own mountain! Just what the heck am I saying?

Guess I am just bored. You bored also? Let's have coffee!

Next post will be longer and, I hope, with sense.

Uh.. Why are you still reading this garbage!? Get out!