Sunday, January 14, 2007

Homelessness and Wet Shoes, 1

Everyday we get bombarded with life’s atrocities: impossible deadlines, intense traffic, annoying pimples, cheap movies, stupid people, and stuff.

We go through our daily existence like robots that have been programmed to do what the people tell us to do. We are like guppies swimming the impossible currents of life, that we fail to appreciate the littlest, most trivial things like … a warm bed … or … or some clean, dry shoes.

People say that no matter how fast your life is, or how tight your schedule gets, you have to, once in a while, stop and smell the flowers. But in my case, stop and smell the shoes-es. I have never fully appreciated the value of a warm cozy bed and a pair of dry sneakers … until last night.

The rain was violent that morning, hammering on the roof like a bunch of elephants doing the samba. Good thing it was a Sunday; no work, no classes. I decided to just stay hole up for the rest of the day. But you know, boredom strikes at the most unopportuned time.

I said “Alright, I’ll just go get some coffee and come back after an hour or two."

So I dressed up and waited for the rain to cease-fire. But boredom never ceased boinking me in the head, screaming “Get out! GET OUT!"

I succumbed to the evil ennui’s demand and decided to brave the rain; oblivious to this poor creature – me – that two other devils were lurking outside, waiting to snatch him. Their names were Poverty and Homelessness.

Funny how, when I stepped outside, the rain suddenly stopped. Everything was so serene like the world’s just been created. I looked up and I saw Noah waving from his ark atop one of the buildings. I said, Thank God for the blessing. Or was it?

(to be concluded…)

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