Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sinking in Bottomless Mush, 4

“Here, take my seat Ma’am.” I stood up.

“Oh no, I can’t. I’m alright. But thanks anyway.” She looked at me with her eyes seemingly saying ‘I know you’ve been through a lot today, you need the seat more than I do."

“But I insist.” I said.

She exhaled heavily through the nose, subtly shaking her head and curling her lips to a smile. “Sige na nga. Salamat ha."

I helped her gather her things from the floor to her lap. “Thank you, hijo.” She repeated. Then she smiled again, this time wider and ‘warmer.’ And at that very moment, I felt better, loads better. It surely took the world off my shoulders. For some weird reason I felt good, I felt I was reborn, that I’ve just started my day.

I got off the next station even though it wasn’t my stop yet. I got off the coach feeling much much better. Before the train sped off, I looked at the old lady again, she was waving at me. I just tipped my head and smiled.

From there I flagged a cab to my place and phoned my associate that I couldn’t make it, and asked him to reschedule the meeting with the client. Funny thing was, I wasn’t a bit worried.

“Shit happens” I said.

“What are you, nuts!? Better get your ass over here or you’ll be shit. The client’s been waiting for …” he said angrily, I interrupted.

“Uhm … Hello?” I made some noises; crackles and buzzes, and pretended not to hear him.

“Hello? Hello! Lyle!"

“Bro … I … can’t hea …ear … you! You’re … acking … up. Postpo … me … eeting."


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