Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Bleached & The Burnt Part 1

You're a jerk!" one boy screamed. "I don't want to play with you anymore!"

“Oh yeah!?” Another tot retorted. “Then don't play with me, stupid!"

"Who are you calling stupid? You're stupid! Stupid! STUPEEED!"

I peaked out of my cubicle and stopped my keyboard-hammering to find out what the commotion was all about. Two little boys, one Korean (How do I know his Korean? I don’t know. Instincts, perhaps.) and one
nognog, yelling at each other. They have the shrillest of voices, it’s like scraping a fork across a chalkboard.

One was fairly bursting with good health (read: fat), while the Korean kid was like an overgrown cotton bud with eyeglasses. He was so skinny that I could actually hear his bones creak.

“Just punch him and shut up!” One person bellowed, while the idiot seated beside me chanted, “Suntukan na. Suntukan na. Suntukan na.” He was so irritating that I want to give him what he wanted, I want to punch his lips and make it bleed.

As if on cue, the skinny boy pushed his inversely-proportional antagonist to the wall. Bang! The portly
nognog slammed. Gago ka ah! Bakla!” He’s Filipino? Yeah, an overcooked Pinoy.

He gathered himself up, dusted off, went to the other kid, and without a warning, punched the cotton-bud to the nose. Bang! (I’m so poor with sound effects.) The blubber knuckles collided with the bony mug. Togsh! (Said I’m not good at “sound-effect-ing.”)

His eyeglasses fell. I thought, for a moment there, the skeletal kid’s nose was shattered.

to be concluded...)

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