Tuesday, December 05, 2006

So Freakin' What!? (Part 4)

People tell me that I am a walking contradiction, perhaps they’re right. Some even commented that I may have an acute case of bipolar disorder, since they can hardly place a finger on whether I’m introverted or an extrovert.

One moment I’m this beer-guzzling dude who refuses to leave the bar not until he falls flat and wipes the floor with my face, and the next moment I’m a bibliophile whom you can lock up at PowerBooks for over a century and not get bored.

I’m noisy and silent, shy and outgoing, candid and guarded, loud and gentle, restrained and extreme, good and evil. Ooh, and the smell of coffee excites me.

I used to be accident-prone, cheated death 4 times, the last being self-perpetrated. I cannot function without alcohol in my system, keeping tequila and rum bottles in my locker before. My basic food groups are … Oh, I don’t eat, I only drink! Before!

Whoever invented the lighter was a genius, it’s the greatest invention of all time. I used to write, I used to sing, I used to debate, and I used to know the basics of 5 languages. I know I’m being incoherent but my favorite motto is: So What!?

I consider my life interesting, and the details that I have just shared to you is just one-sixteenth of my entire story.

I am me and be settled with it! Love me, hate me; I couldn’t care less.

(end of speech)

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